Portal Stories: Mel (free to play community mod if you own Portal 2)

just to add that there are many excellent community test chambers in portal 2. Many introduce elements that are not in the original such allowing you to transport boxes through fizzlers, or change your orientation when yuo step through them forcefields. Many of the Mevious designed maps look simple but will drive you crazy - then you get that lightbulb moment

These free Standalone mods are a bit strange in steam, in that I need to add it to my steam library on every PC I have steam installed / whenever I reinstall steam. This makes it seem like it isn't really in my library so if it does ever get a pricetag attached to it, I would have to pay for it even though I've already "bought" it.

I'm basing this on Half Life 2 update and the JC2 Multiplayer mod.
You can send games to your Steam client via the web btw :)

As for release, still few hours to go!

Available: 25 June

This game will unlock in approximately 4 hours
7913mb, guess I should have installed Portal2 earlier :D

Edit: It lies, now it's started downloading it's 4.4gb for me too.
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