Portfolio + question

18 Oct 2002
Thought youguys might like to see some of the stuff i've been taking over the last year or so:


Also... i'm using a canon a85, are there any other lenses i can purchase for this as i'm feeling a little limited at the moment.
Thanks flibster, i guess the lense i will be looking to get will be the same as the one you are using (a85 a85 etv... same body).

Look forward to the pics!

Anyone else have any comments about my pics?

Also... i'm thinking of saving up for a dslr, i was looking at the s3 is as i dont want to start spending silly money on something i may lose interest in!
Yea i like that, so how much am i looking at to get a 2x lense then?

I was also looking at the fisheye and a polarized filter which add some more functionality.
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