Portrait settings question

23 Nov 2007
Lancashire, UK
Bought myself a photography magazine today and already I've managed to confuse myself! I thought I had the basics of the aperture/speed/ISO debate sorted in my head, but now I'm puzzled.

There's a beautifully lit portrait photo in the magazine (photo plus page 24) of a lass in an autumnal setting. For the exposure settings though they've used 1/500, f/2.8,iso400. Given its a static shot, why wouldn't you slow the shutter and drop the ISO as far as you can?

Thanks for any insight!
Bought myself a photography magazine today and already I've managed to confuse myself! I thought I had the basics of the aperture/speed/ISO debate sorted in my head, but now I'm puzzled.

There's a beautifully lit portrait photo in the magazine (photo plus page 24) of a lass in an autumnal setting. For the exposure settings though they've used 1/500, f/2.8,iso400. Given its a static shot, why wouldn't you slow the shutter and drop the ISO as far as you can?

Thanks for any insight!

Some photographer likes the look of the photo in ISO 400.

Sue Bryce likes to shoot in ISO 640 in the 5D2 (or 5D3) as it creates the same look as it did when she was shooting film.

But ideally...yes, lowest ISO to lower the noise, given that the shutter speed don't drop too low.

I shot this at ISO400, F/2.2, 1/2000th.

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