Portsmouth and Hull compete to see who can implode the quickest

18 Oct 2002
So, while the world loves to focus on the action at the top of the Premiership table, and the perpetual "will they, won't they" of Liverpool winning the league, Tottenham/Villa/Man City breaking the top 4, Arsenal doing something, and Man Utd getting weaker without Ronaldo*, spare a thought for the other end of the table, where the relegation spots are dominated not only by teams seemingly trying to play as poorly as they can, but also be as financially insolvent as is humanly possible. Sandwiching West Ham, and making their "well a bank bought us, but now that bank doesn't have any money" tale of woe look amateur by comparison, are two teams that seem determined to elevate the tale of "doing a Leeds" into an art form:

Bottom of the table, 7 points in 11 games, Portsmouth "whatever happened to that new stadium?" FC:

Meanwhile, not to be outdone, over at the amber lot next to me, one point better off, and ten goals to the worse:

Portsmouth look like the ones in more trouble in the short term, as I doubt Hull will have to worry about wages not getting paid, or the likes, but at the same time, the latter look more screwed in the long run. Players will definitely have to go, and there's no mythical pot of money there to save them.

At the same time though, whilst I won't admit to being that knowledgeable on Pompey's squad, I think City still have a lot of decent players in their team, and even shorn of a few trimmings, potentially have enough talent to stay in the division. It's just a matter of utilising it, and Brown doesn't seem like he'll be the man to do it. The risk is whether there's sense in first paying him off to leave, and then finding someone who can get the best out of what they have, without being able to add much of their own.

So who's going to break first?

*The answer to all of these is "no, they won't", by the way
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See, you'd think relegation would be nailed on for them both, with circumstances like that, but at the same time, Blackburn are somehow conspiring to look even worse than either recently, Bolton haven't exactly been great shakes, and none of the promoted sides look chock full of talent, despite their higher placings. A couple of weeks ago Portsmouth looked dead in the water, now they're clawing it back. Who knows.
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