Possible Fix for Monitors Losing Signal

19 Oct 2002
A couple of years ago I purchased a Gigabyte Aorus FV43U and have experienced a few very annoying issues with it.

One which I have never found any mention of anywhere is, whilst gaming, the overlay would randomly appear!

Another was, when connected to multiple displays, in my case a monitor and my TV, occasionally I would get static on my TV. This wasn't a huge problem as I all I had to do was turn the TV off and on again.

But last year it developed a very annoying issue where it would randomly lose signal and only a hard reboot would fix it... temporarily.

I tried changing cables, switching to hdmi, reseating the gpu etc, but nothing helped.

At some point I came across a reddit post which suggested disabling Fastboot in Windows and for a brief period of time it seemed to work.

But then I thought, I wonder if it's enabled in the bios? It was!

Since doing so I have had none of the above issues!

Looking into Fastboot does, it seems to be an idiotic option that skips some hardware initialisation and testing steps to speed up boot times. But with SSD's, do you really need your pc to boot quicker?

Anyway, I just thought it post this in case it may help anyone having similar issues on their monitor. I have no idea if this is just Gigabyte issue, but it's worth a try if you're experiencing the incredibly frustrating signal loss issue.
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