Possible innovative solution to DSLR dust

30 Jul 2007
I have read that the blower brush is not very good for cleaning the sensor as it just moves the dust around
I have a Pentax K-30 and have bought a body cap to make a pinhole lens. I was thinking that this could possibly be used to pick up the stray dust if some double sided tape was stuck to the inside of the body cap. Puting the camera in continuous shooting mode would cause the mirror to act as a fan, which would move the dust about, causing it to stick to the tape.
Its just a thought but I have not seen any other solutions along these lines.
Well, I doubt that much dust will dislodge, especially from the important sensor. The reasons blowers don't work well is because the dust has a tendency to stick to the sensor and is not easily removed, and in any case any easily dislodged dirt is removed by the ultrasonic sensor cleaning of all modern DSLRs. Sticky tape on a body cap won't dislodge the dust stuck to a sensor, but pec pads + eclipse takes a couple of minutes and removes even stubborn dust.
It will help but that is all. Make sure you change lenses with the camera facing down and prep the new lens beforehand.
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