possible mod a cold cathode tube to be mains powered ?

Use a 12volt mains adaptor. Wire the +ve terminal of the molex to the centre of the mains adaptor plug, and wire the -ve conector to the outer of the plug...tape it up and plug it in.
JonnyD said:
Use a 12volt mains adaptor. Wire the +ve terminal of the molex to the centre of the mains adaptor plug, and wire the -ve conector to the outer of the plug...tape it up and plug it in.

Followed shortly by cathode shards and screaming :)

Actually that should work :D
sagaboy2 said:
He means those chunky black transformers you get with low power electrical goods if im not mistaken.

I think that is what he was hinting at.

Just one thing if your going to buy one, try and get one with a normal plug type connector, on + on - rather than the circular inside and outside arrangement, would make it easier to mod :)
Now I think about it. The voltage should be right at 12V but what about the Amps.

I thought cathodes need huge Ampage to work and its if the transformer will give you the high amps or not.

But I could be wrong. If it doesnt cost a lot to buy one you could always just try and see if it works or not.
You can get them from ebay for £4 for an un regulated one or £7 for regulated, they come with a socket with a few different attachments for different appliances. I got one as I'm going to mod a cathode into my desk so i can see the keyboard at night.

Snow-Munki said:
so i wire the yellow +ve lead to the plug directly ? ( as in opening it up and wiring to live ? )

and then ground / black to the earth inside the plug ?

i wouldnt open the plug up, if anything cut the wires and twist together then tape or use heat shrink. If your all talking about the power supplys im thinking of then theres no need to earth and there are only 2 wires coming from the plug.

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