Possible new Mac Mini at Macworld

17 Nov 2002
So next week I am hoping Apple announce the new Mac Mini at Macworld

I plan to make a HTPC out of the updated mini.

Possible updates include

- The internal optical drive will be an SATA drive that can be swapped out with a second SATA hard drive
- Design will change from the current white plastic to black plastic and aluminum.
- Nvidia 9400m intergrated graphics.

It will certainly provide more flexibility than an Apple TV.

Anyone else planning on creating a HTPC out of a Mini?
Won't get off the ground unless it has a HDMI port. Which Apple have been stupidly reluctant to add to their recent equipment.
If they made it easier to upgrade the ram and HDD it might get another lookin... Having to attack it with a putty knife is a little backwards for "the Apple way".
If they made it easier to upgrade the ram and HDD it might get another lookin... Having to attack it with a putty knife is a little backwards for "the Apple way".
The Apple Way is typically to savagely overcharge for upgrades at the checkout
Another rumor seems to be that the new Mini could have dual monitor support with Display Port and Mini DVI connections. So technically it could have HDMI but through two different converters.

The problem Apple have is that the Mini and Apple TV are very similar products in that many people use the Mini as a HTPC. But if that makes them omit a HDMI connection on the Mini that would frustrate me no end as I would like to get one as a HTPC and use front row.

Only a couple of days to find out now.
A Mini would be a quite good addition to my MacBook, have a desktop to store most things on and then just use my MacBook when in bed/out and about :D

I've never seen the point in the Apple TV (at least how Apple have limited it)... why buy something that's so tied into iTunes and the formats iTunes uses when you can just buy a Mini and have it play anything you want?

Probably won't be getting one though, but still interested to see what they come up with!
I'd love them to pretty much just merge the Mini and the TV, add the Nvidia chipset and make sure the damn thing has a hdmi port and can do 1080p.

They'd sell like hot cakes if they could do that.
I doubt the mini will have HDMI as Apple have already said it has a limited resolution and with their new display port that isn't a problem.
I'm hoping for dual display, 2 sata devices, nvidia GPU and upping the ram limit!
A 2nd monitor point would be much appreciate. An eSATA would be nice too.

Wouldn't get too excited on the eSATA front. It's typically a PC sort of connection and Apple would rather you bought one of their wireless storage devices before slapping such a connection on it.

Personally I think the merger of the Apple TV and Mac Mini makes the greatest sense, however, the products have a £196 price difference.

Turning the Mini into an Apple TV with optional 2nd hard drive and DisplayPort or HDMI is not only going to increase costs significantly, it will put the product out of reach for the average Joe who doesn't know the difference between 720p and 1080p - at least in terms of technical specification.

It's for that reason that I don't see a merger happening. A specification bump to the Mini which makes it a serious contender for 1080p content on the other hand, is more than likely.

Although I fear it'll be lacking complete tv-compatibility in the way the Apple TV does (i.e DVI).
What I would like is an updated Mini with an HDMI.

I am looking at getting a HDHomerun DVB network tuner with Elgato.

Place Macmini under the HDTV's and connect via the HDMI cable. The mini's can then share a common Elgato folder and also have the full pvr experience at the HDTV.

Alternatively an AppleTV with an Elgato Client would do the job just as well for me.
I doubt the mini will have HDMI as Apple have already said it has a limited resolution and with their new display port that isn't a problem.
I'm hoping for dual display, 2 sata devices, nvidia GPU and upping the ram limit!

If Appletv is scrapped or combined into the mini then there is a good chance it will as it will be aimed at the living room aswell as the desktop, and most modern Tv's are HDMI.
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