Possible uses for Rekt.co.uk?

write a script to periodically scan 4chan for rekt threads, auto refresh each thread when it appears and get it to capture the gif, jpeg or webm with the most replies... or maybe the top three in each thread... add to your database of rekt imagery... check for duplicates... periodically post said gifs, jpegs and webms on your site

set up facebook page, selectively post to there, use page to post to any news story somehow vaguely linked to people getting 'rekt' in a lame attempt at getting people to like your page

monetize with the usual crappy advertising, affiliate links etc...
write a script to periodically scan 4chan for rekt threads, auto refresh each thread when it appears and get it to capture the gif, jpeg or webm with the most replies... or maybe the top three in each thread... add to your database of rekt imagery... check for duplicates... periodically post said gifs, jpegs and webms on your site

set up facebook page, selectively post to there, use page to post to any news story somehow vaguely linked to people getting 'rekt' in a lame attempt at getting people to like your page

monetize with the usual crappy advertising, affiliate links etc...

Nice idea just fill it with ads and get the money from that, just try and generate lots of traffic.
write a script to periodically scan 4chan for rekt threads, auto refresh each thread when it appears and get it to capture the gif, jpeg or webm with the most replies... or maybe the top three in each thread... add to your database of rekt imagery... check for duplicates... periodically post said gifs, jpegs and webms on your site

set up facebook page, selectively post to there, use page to post to any news story somehow vaguely linked to people getting 'rekt' in a lame attempt at getting people to like your page

monetize with the usual crappy advertising, affiliate links etc...

I think this might be something that I can do, Is there any legal issues though regarding monetizing content that I do not own in this sense?
It doesn't appear to stop anybody else on the internet!

My guess is that it would count as "content aggregation".
I think this might be something that I can do, Is there any legal issues though regarding monetizing content that I do not own in this sense?

well if you end up getting legal issues it is more likely to happen the more popular the site becomes so maybe a nice problem to have... if you can automate the process of posting then having some disclaimer on the site and a link whereby some copyright owners can flag any content for removal ought to be OK for most but IANAL...
Video/picture upload site - users upload funny videos/pictures of people getting rekt which can then be voted on.

Top rated of the day, week and month could get some sort of prize, paid for out of ad money?

Could also lead to a "subscribe to be emailed the "rek of the day" (or week if day is too frequent) - that'd build a mailing list and then you could stick the odd affiliate link in the emails.
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