Possibly Blown My HDD & other questions.

14 Feb 2006
Leeds, W Yorks.
Ok so yesterday i went out and bought a new pc case (Lian Li V600B) and got it home, the reason for this purchase is that my psu blew on my Sony Viao and the new one was a few millimetres larger and wouldnt fit back in. So anyways i transfer all my mobo and gfx cards over get everything set up and working then it comes to the 30+ little wires for the USB, Case Headphones, Mic Etc, My mobo already has these so i have not added them to the mobo as of yet, i added the other 10+ little plugs for the Power Button, Reset Switch and 2 Leds on the front, they all seem to be working fine..

So then it comes to pluggin a 4 pin power connector to my HDD and everything goes off (Seemed like something had shorted out) so i unplug everything and wait a few minutes and switch it all back on it boots up but the HDD is just silent likes it dead, tried a few other connectors that boot the CDROM up fine and still nothing, so do you reckon i have blown something in my HDD..

Also, keep in mind this is the first time i have transfered cases, i cant seem to get a Primary Master or a Secondary Master, everything i add comes up as a Slave..

Also does the way you have your round cables matter ?

And does anyone have a site that helps you out with those 1 pin plugs for the USB and other front panel things just incase i have set them up wrong ?

Thanks in advance.
Ive tried both of those and nope, still doesnt power up, can't feel or hear anything coming from the HDD. :(

Any more input on the other questions, and if i have killed it, will i have to buy Windows XP and somehow install it again..

Is it difficult to do as i have never had to do it before ? :rolleyes:
Yes stupidly now thinking about it, yes the Pc was powered up when i plugged the HDD in.

What do you mean by the Windows disc, as far as im aware i dont have any disc and the XP discs ive seen online are from £50 - 80, will i need to fork out for this aswell as another HDD, or is there an easier way round that ?
Well i have a Sony Viao which has Xp on it with a hologram sticker on the side with all the serial numbers on, im guessing thats what you mean.

Can you point me in the right direction to this disc, a friend at work said he has a copy of Xp with Sp2 with everything ready, should i trust the disc or get the one you are suggesting ?
earlyflash said:
If the Sony Vaio isn't the machine that you are talking about above, then you can't install XP on it using that key, since that would be illegal.

Well i have taken the Vaio apart to put in my new V600B case, so its a mixture of components now..lol

Do you reckon buying XP from ocuk or another shop would be my best bet then ?
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