Possibly the ultimate in photography

31 Mar 2006
Sydney Australia
Possibly the ultimate in photography - Largish images

These are some photos from the Cassini-Huygens space probe sent to Saturn. To be clear, these are taken from a camera hanging of a 6 ton spacecraft that measures around 22 feet high by 13 feet wide.

The moon Titan seen through the rings of Saturn

The moon Dione with Saturn in the background

The moon Enceladus

Saturn in close true colour as the eye would see it.

SATURN - this one stuns me

Image source: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.cfm
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nero120 said:
They are fantastic. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to see these planets up close. I imagine you'd be pretty freaked at the actual size of them, I wonder when manned flights will visit them - probably not in out lifetimes.

I wouldn't be so sure. Another space race could well be all that is needed and there are several challengers for a return to the moon. There are also pushes from private companies to get to the moon and beyond motivated by the likes of the X-Prize foundation.

I think we're going to see some pretty cool stuff in our lifetime.
VaderDSL said:
Thought I recognised that, it's the photo from the front cover of Iain M. Banks : The Algebraist :)

except it has been rotated 90degrees clockwise :) and maybe mirror'd etc Does look like Nasqueron

Could never get into Ian M. Banks books - too over complicated :) Fully random tho!
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Reminded me to check up on the Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers. Guess what - they're still going strong, still sending back images and data about rock composition. It's pretty amazing stuff considering that the original mission for the rovers was to be 90 Days.

Launch was June 5 2003 and June 25 2003. It is now 31st Aug 2006 and they have been in operation on the surface of Mars for over 2 years!





Source: http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/home/index.html
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