Post processing...

6 Nov 2010
Behind the camera...

I'm struggling.
I recently took some shots of a mates 4x4 doing some mud slinging and as far as I know, I had the camera set up correctly.
It was low light so I had the iso @400 (about the max my camera can handle without producing very bad noise), the aperture was set at the widest in reference to focal length (f/3.5 - f/5.6) and I was varying the shutter based on the internal light reading meter.
(Could the aperture have caused the hazy feel?)

My shots seem correctly exposed and as the shutter rarely passed slower than 1/100th I cant see any blur, however...
When I've gone to process them in post, no mater what I do I just cant seem to get them to look right. there fine in black and white (as most are) but as soon as I add colour they just look hazy to me for some reason.

I'm currently using lightroom which I'm more than familiar with, but I haven't really tried to process anything from low light shots before.

So I ask please, Does anyone have any tips for low light processing?
All shots are in .NEF (RAW)

Any pointers would be appreciated :)

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I think it was a little darker, but not much.
lightroom says the exposer is up +1.00 over original,
I usually shoot @ ISO100-240 as my D80 loves making noise :/
this was the first time in quite a while I used ISO400.
Can the post processing cause noise? or is that from the camera in your opinion?

Cheers all

Anyone know some where I can host the .NEF as ill upload and share? lol

You under exposed the shot by 1 stop, that makes it equivalent to shooting at ISO 800.

I think your best options is to buy faster glass, or simply go earlier in the day to get more light.

Does it really work like that? :eek:
I thought the iso was whatever you set it at, even in post lol
Good excuse to buy a new lens but why did it underexpose if I was always monitoring the light reading?
Maybe something to do with taking the reading from a white car? :/

thanks for the processes guys, its interesting to see the way others do it lol
Clown, the early ones I did before I gave up and went B&W looked very similar to yours, I could either get bright and abit overdone, or bland, neither of which had that pop factor :(
I think Rojin's might be the best so far, but that might be cos he's posted a 800x*** :p
I think I may have to just accept the fact the ISO was too high, I took the light reading from a white car therefore pretty much the brightest thing in the shot = underexposing, and do leave them in B&W lol
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