Post Scriptum or Hell let loose

18 Oct 2002
Southern England
hello :)

Has anyone had any experiences with either Post Scriptum or Hell let loose? I don't think I've seen any talk about these on here.
For me Hell Let Loose. Im not a big fan of too much realism as I find that realism does not necessarily equal fun, so for me Hell Let Loose sits nicely in the middle of more arcadey and more realistic. Whereas Post Scriptum leant a little too much toward realism for me to find it enjoyable.
Played them both for quite a bit of time.

Hell let loose is much better looking, the environments are really great (because they are scanned from real locations), but the game is still pretty poorly optimised. I also find the player base hardly ever works together, and there isnt much tactics involved other than putting down/hunting garrisons and staying on/attacking the obj with bodies. No transport vehicles, so getting around the map can be a bit of a slog if your officer doesn't put down spawn points, or at the start of a match.

Post Scriptum is much slower paced, doesn't look as good with much more empty maps (when compared to HLL) and is a bit more clunky/janky - but the team focus is where this game shines. You cant win by just 'throwing bodies' at an objective - having and using a microphone is generally required by most squads although as long as you can just listen and follow instructions, yo should be fine without talking)

Depending on what style of game you like, I recommend trying both and refunding what you don't enjoy.

Hell let loose has a free weekend this week as well.
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thanks guys, going to try HLL on the free weekend thing of steam and see where that takes me :)
I tried Post Scriptum on a free weekend, only played for about an hour and in that time, I didn't see 1 enemy.
Oh I died plenty of times! But didn't see any enemies. :p

I own Hell Let Loose, it's slightly more forgiving, but your still going have a bad time if you charge across an open field.
If you're someone who needs or likes decent framerate in your first-person shooters I would hold off on HLL for now.

It's almost unplayable at times due to performance issues, I guess you'll find out just how bad it is for you during the free weekend.
If you're someone who needs or likes decent framerate in your first-person shooters I would hold off on HLL for now.

It's almost unplayable at times due to performance issues, I guess you'll find out just how bad it is for you during the free weekend.

The hotfix for that goes in today, might even have already gone in, not sure what time its due.
i dont understand hell let loose everyones just standing around doing nothing
and im a coh head played since 2007
i dont understand hell let loose everyones just standing around doing nothing
and im a coh head played since 2007

I guess standing around doing nothing sums up 50% of war lol.

Trick is to get into decent squads, in a decent squad these sorts of games are phenomenal
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