Post your allotment!

16 Oct 2007
I don't think this quite fits in the garden thread..?

I'm truly embracing my middle age and have just got a small allotment. I'm very much a beginner and would love to see your allotments, any advice, tips & tricks etc

Here's our starting point (cleared a LOT of weeds to get to this point).
There is an established little apple tree as you can see, and the back right is thick with raspberry bushes

I'm planning to re-lay weed suppressing fabric down and probably add stone chippings to the path
Built a 3ft fence around the plot
Add a small greenhouse at the back
Add a pallet composter for the bulk of the cut back stuff and leave for a year
Add a couple of hot composters for ongoing maintenance

Obviously this is very late in the season but would appreciate any over-wintering tips for bed preparation, any winter veg possible, etc

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