Post Your Daily Food Encounter Pics

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
They've got one in motors (post your daily encounter pics), and they've got one in GD (pics of stuff I've bought), so how about pics of interesting, unusual, luxury or just plain old yummy things you might see in your daily shopping or even through a shop window? Persoanlly I like looking at cakes and confectionary and puddings, but post anything, savoury or sweet. It probably won't be as prolific as those threads, but maybe you can snap foody things which look nice that you either don't need at the time, or can't afford, or can afford but feel is too much to pay for, but which sure look good and worth snapping to drool over. Here's a couple of pics I took today while out doing general shopping. The Lola's cupcakes stand has some amazingly nice looking cakes, all rather expensive. Something like about £3 for their tiniest cupcakes.

I so wanted a slice of this lemon gateaux. But at £4 a slice, I resisted temptation simply because I'm a cheapskate. I left this thumbnail non resized so you can get a nice mouth watering close up. :)

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Those cakes look very nice.

We'll see how this thread does. I know I started one for the same thing and a few other people have since but they keep falling by the wayside. Probably because they aren't stickied and people can't find them, but you can't sticky that many (I think).

Everyone from La Cuisine is currently out and about photographing amazing looking cakes for this thread. Or maybe not :p
I actually agree with ChokKA. I took pics of those Lola cakes and was just going to post those as they look nice and leave it at. Then I thought to start this thread idea but yeah, didn't need to post the other things. Well anyway, we can just leave it at those cakes, in fact, I'll delete all but those. If anyone wants to post something else they can, if not, that's ok too. :)
I'm a bit of a cakeaholic, though I try and exercise moderation, so personally I wouldn't care too much if it's tesco value flour, because that lemon drizzle gateaux just looks like buttery, spongy heavenly goodness. :D One slice though wouldn't be enough for me, I'd need to buy the whole cake and it would be about £40 to £50.
You need to go back there now that Halloween is over, and take a snap of what they've got in there now! Then, buy a slice of one and let us know what it is like! I wish we had a cake shop like that around here!

I'll do that.
I'll have to see if I can arrange the mortgage for the slice of cake :p I'm going to have to try that lemon cake though.
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