Post your dreams

11 May 2007
So, have you had any weird or obscure dreams lately?

Maybe people can try and shed some light on what they think they mean too?

Here's one I've had recently and one from last night...

I can remember making cuts on the sides of my head, my temples, small incisions so that the sunglasses I was putting on tucked inside my skin! :confused: The arms on the glasses were bigger than the incisions so I had to force it into the holes and stretch them :(

A few weeks back I was stood on a beach and the sand gave way, slid through the sand and suffocated..

You had any lately?
11 May 2007
Hahaaaa, good conclusion.

I think the sunglasses was about a comment the GF made about a pair I borrowed when I went flying, they did look stupid, but I dont know how cutting holes for them would have helped?

Sinking in sand, probably finances..
11 May 2007
Night before last:

Very short dream, late in the morning, as I was sleeping on and off.
I was on a train which was travelling through beautiful countryside - blue sky, green bushes, open land etc... The train was going too fast for me to enjoy it though, and I remember saying something along the lines of next time I'll book a train which takes a longer time to reach the destination.

A realisation that life goes quicker than you think and you need to slow down and appreciate what's around you? :p Or is that wrong..?
11 May 2007
I was at a beautiful place, an old building surrounded with grass and vivid blue sky. I was taking a panoramic photograph of the scene when I suddenly realised I was in a dream.

I was running around with my camera and screaming. I kept trying to wake up but I couldn't. Actually thought I was dead, then I woke up.

Sorry but I'm laughing :o

Sounds like you had a lucid dream and couldnt get out..
11 May 2007
Had an odd dream last night that has now become more vague..

Was on a beach, in what was like a circular wooden cage, maybe 10 of these in a row. Only enough room for one person, and we were infront of a crowd.. we were on a small wooded island.

We were all waiting to be set alight and killed for whatever reason, and were told if we escaped we'd be buried alive in the sand.

I decided I didn't fancy dieing in this dream and ran for the hills, no one spotted me until a while later and I spent the rest of the dream being chased through woods, and grass.

One point I got to a frozen area, with a river rushing through, and several cars parked by the side, all frozen with the occupants dead. I got into the first one looking for guns and food?! It fell into the river and I managed to jump out, this repeated a few times until I woke up.

Odd, but a pretty cool dream.
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