Post your Ear Worms!

19 Jan 2005
You know those songs you hear in the morning while you're still half asleep and end up listening to the same 8 bars spinning round and round in your head all day?

Well, they have a name.....Ear Worms :eek:

Today I've not been able to get rid of Mas Que Nada- the song used in the advert with the Brazillian football team that the Black Eyed Peas jabber all over.

If I had to choose the worst ever offender though it would be rubbish Rachel Steven's and her rubbish hit Sweet dreams my LA-ex, which despite being 18 months old and rubbish still pops into my head occaisionally. :mad:

Anyway, post your Ear Worms and any 'Erasers' you've found that we can use to make them go away.
"Oh I wish I was a Punk Rocker with Flowers in my Hair!".... heard it on GWR this morning!...

unfortunatly thanks to Chris Moyles the other morning on BBC-R1, I can only hear...
"Oh I wish I was a Prawn Cracker with Flowers in my Hair!".... :D

Just the same verse over and over and over again!... :mad:

"77 to 69 (and the Something) was in the air!"... :mad: Grrrrrrrr :mad:
Dying In Your Arms by Trivium, was the last song playing in the car when I pulled up at work..

You poisoned my life
So I take this knife
And I cut you out
Cut you out

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