A dwarf woman goes to the doctors.
The doctor says "What can I do for you?"
The dwarf woman says "Doctor,everytime it rains my fanny gets sore."
The doctor doesn't understand and asks her to explain.
So she says "I don't know what it is,but everytime it's raining,my fanny really kills me."
The doctor says "Well I'll tell you what,come back and see me when it's raining and I'll have a look."
A couple of days later it's ******* down and the dwarf woman's back at the doctors."
"Right," he says. "Hop on to the bench and I'll take a look at you."
So she gets on the bench and the doctor examines her.
Then he goes and gets his scalpel.
He comes back and says "Ok,I just need to do a couple of cuts here and there."
Then he tells her to stand up and asks "How's that?"
"Excellent,doctor! What did you do?"
He says "Oh,I just took a couple of inches off the top of your wellies."
its piggy