Post Your Foobar Setup No Larger Than 800x600

31 Dec 2004
I know that there are quite a few of you out there that are using Foobar for their music player. Everyone seems to have a little different setup so I figured could do a post your Foobar setup to see what others are coming up with. Please limit your photo size to 800x600. Also if you can, please host the .fcs so that people are able to get most of your setup if they want it.

Here is mine. I am still working on trying to get all of my music tagged so that I can change the way the artists and albums are displayed, but it works for now.


And the .fcs: decent one (MINE).fcs
mark1 said:

I'm new to foobar and so far like it a lot but i have no idea how to configure it like how you've done it. ie with the album list along the left etc.

How do i use the .fcs file? I'm using v0.9 btw if that makes a difference.

Thanks :)

Honestly it has been quite a while since I have set mine up. There was a guide on hydrogenforums that I followed and there was one or two guids in a wikipedia that I followed. I am using 0.8.3 so some of the componenets such as columnsUI may not work very well with the new version. First to get the album list on the left you will have to have album list installed, as well as columnsUI. And to load my .fcs you go to Foobar>Preferences>Display - Columns UI>Other Tab> click the import button near the middle.

Edit: Here are a couple of good links:
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