I'm after a recommendation for a decent wine rack so I thought I would turn here for inspiration!
Basically what I am after is quite basic, it needs to look good (primarily) and hold at least 12 bottles, some of which will be Magnums. I've got a wine rack at the moment but it is of the square wood and metal type that you instantly think of when you think of a wine rack and it doesn't look that great.
This thread could turn to serve a purpose as a gallery of our wine racks in addition to helping me out (and whatever I get, I will post up a photo I promise).
Basically what I am after is quite basic, it needs to look good (primarily) and hold at least 12 bottles, some of which will be Magnums. I've got a wine rack at the moment but it is of the square wood and metal type that you instantly think of when you think of a wine rack and it doesn't look that great.
This thread could turn to serve a purpose as a gallery of our wine racks in addition to helping me out (and whatever I get, I will post up a photo I promise).