Postal Strike - 10 Days

Yeah.....but when you get new workers they wont go on strike again. :)

I'm just irritated because I know I'm not going to get any compensation out of the Royal Mail for lost time.
Well I know a few large businesses in NI who have told there staff that if they ever think about striking, then they will be sacked.

They have put this to the test and quite easily, these people were replaced.

Remember there are thousands of Polish people in NI now and they would work quite happily for the same wage these strikers are getting.

I'd tell them, if they weren't happy with the wage, get another job. I bet you would see many returning to work.
Sack the commies, there are plenty of Poles and Lithuanians willing to do the job for half the money.
Scream said:
Remember there are thousands of Polish people in NI now and they would work quite happily for the same wage these strikers are getting.

There is actually an almost alarming ammount of Polish people here now, but then again I'm not complaining, they're a damn sight better workers, and more friendly than a lot of the locals here. :)
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
Give it a few years and they will be willing to do your job for half the money too perhaps? :)
Not unless they have got a degree in structural engineering, are a Chartered Engineer and buy my business from me. ;)
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
I was trying to appeal to his better nature. ;)
I haven't got a better nature. ;) :p

I do get your point but I hope you also got mine. These postal workers should ge grateful for their jobs as there are always others willing to do it, just as there are others to compete with me in my field. If they can do the right job at the right price and I can't, fair play to them, that is the way of the world I'm afraid.
Yeh come on realistcly these people arent striking because they are just bored. To actually go as far to put your job on the line people really need to be peeved.

In the long run when the polish guys are 3rd generation N irish, they arent going to be happy getting all the crummy jobs.

Whats the answer keep shipping in people to exploit ?
AJUK said:
I haven't got a better nature. ;) :p

I stand corrected. :)

The only problem I can see with them striking is that it is an unofficial (illegal) strike.

If we get to the whole "don't let them strike at all" argument then we are heading back to the Victorian era.
You ring them up and they tell you that they've brought in 50 managers from Britain to sort the mess out.

Big bloody deal....from what I remember managers dont deliver parcels.

Royal Mail has just gone completely down the tube IMHO. I'd rather pay more for postage and have a good, quick, efficient service, than its current state of affairs.
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
There is actually an almost alarming ammount of Polish people here now, but then again I'm not complaining, they're a damn sight better workers, and more friendly than a lot of the locals here. :)

Anything is better than the ones on the Donegal Rd, except me of course. ;)

Also can you not go down to Toome Street to try and pick up the stuff yourself?
can't see why people moan. there are other delivery companies to use, tho admittedly some wont be as cheap as the royal mail.

cant have it all im afraid.
its a joke to be honest *shakes fist at lazy ass postal workers*

I've not noticed many Polish people here, but it's definitely a good thing, I knew a few Polish guys at uni and they were sound as a pound. But I have noticed the amount of Chinese people moving here which is also a good thing. :D
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