Postcode X,Y co-ordinates

18 Oct 2002
I'm trying to get the X,Y co-ordinates of UK postcodes so i can work out the distance between two locations but i can't seem to find anywhere that has it available for download. Jibble ( are supposed to have one but it doesn't appear to be available for download anymore. I'm also aware samknows provide an XML service but ideally i don't want to have to rely on an external service. Does anyone know somewhere else that has it available for download?

Thanks but i just went ahead and implemented it using the samknows XML service in the end. It certainly puts quite an overhead on the system having to do all the HTTP requests but it's only for a uni project so i've left it as that.
AC what exactly are you doing? i was trying to do a similar thing for my uni project, what are you using? google maps? multimap, i might be able to help you out.
i dont know if what i`ve done is allowed or not, i emailed multimap, but they havent reposnded, i explained it was for a uni project.
Diskbox said:
AC what exactly are you doing? i was trying to do a similar thing for my uni project, what are you using? google maps? multimap, i might be able to help you out.

I've created a classified car advert website for my final year project. When the user searches for a car it returns the distance they are from the car using pythagoras theorem. The problem with the way the post code search is currently implemented using the samknows XML service means it's taking up to 30 seconds to return the results. See for yourself: (all cars will return the same distance as they were placed by the same person).

Space cowboy, thanks very much. :) I'll ask my supervisor when i see him next if it's worth changing.
well i`ve managed to scrape the lat and long form a postcode search on multmap, then linking that to my database and thne onto my gogole map.
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