Postebote Pat

Entertainment Rights also owns or controls the rights to Rupert the Bear, Little Red Tractor, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and Ghostbusters.

They must be worth a fortune owning the rights to that lot.
Basil Brush, who was rebranded Herr Brush



"Il Postino Pat" always make me smile for some reason.

I think something like the Fast Show did a sketch on it years back.
Except in Germany, Pat actually delivers letters - he doesn't ponce about in a van with a shwarze und weiße Katze, going through the mail looking for pension books, cash and credit cards.

***** *****.
Nismo said:
"Il Postino Pat" always make me smile for some reason.

I think something like the Fast Show did a sketch on it years back.

Yeah they did. Was really funny as well. :D
Borris said:
Except in Germany, Pat actually delivers letters - he doesn't ponce about in a van with a shwarze und weiße Katze, going through the mail looking for pension books, cash and credit cards.

***** *****.

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