Posting of Mixes.....

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Other people own the rights to those tracks you mixed and so you cant publicly 'air' them without permission :)
If you own the copyright for public distribution ( of all tracks included ) then it is fine otherwise it is illegal as it is anywhere
But mixes are covered by the work of art act, provided they're not distributed for monetary gain.

I own 50% of the tracks for distribution.

Furthermore I have permission from the artists to play them, being that they gave the tracks to me in the first place.
Smokey McPot said:
But mixes are covered by the work of art act, provided they're not distributed for monetary gain.

I own 50% of the tracks for distribution.

Furthermore I have permission from the artists to play them, being that they gave the tracks to me in the first place.

The "work of art act"? What's that then?

Without paying a fee to any/all of the original artists in your "mix" you're not legally allowed to publically distribute them.
I have never heard of this but do not claim to be an expert on the subject, I have raised the question in the Don's room for clarification
not sure but never ever heard of anyone whos been done for distributing mixes

itunes for example is full of podcast mixes by DJs who definetly dont have permission for every track. surely if it was illegal the artists/companys who own the tracks would be able to get quite a bit of money our of apple for distributing them ?

im sure allot of artists encourage people to use there tracks in mixes as its great publicity
andy said:
not sure but never ever heard of anyone whos been done for distributing mixes

itunes for example is full of podcast mixes by DJs who definetly dont have permission for every track. surely if it was illegal the artists/companys who own the tracks would be able to get quite a bit of money our of apple for distributing them ?

im sure allot of artists encourage people to use there tracks in mixes as its great publicity

There are loads of site's being forced to take all of their mixes offline due to copyright issues and the threat of legal action.
I can understand the reasoning behind it, although I dont agree with it.

The labels I work for send me tracks and records, knowing that I will be playing them to the public at gigs and hosting them as part of mixes online.

To prevent people from hosting or playing mixes to the public (on a wider scale) would also mean that every DJ that works in clubs bars or at social functions would have to pay a fee to MCPS for every track they play.
Cuchulain said:
There are loads of site's being forced to take all of their mixes offline due to copyright issues and the threat of legal action.

got an example ive never heard of any :( ?

ones posting rips from radio 1 essential mixes etc are always getting took down but thats because theyre ripping off the djs mix

theres a million and one blogs with tracks/mixes on that they get sent by labels to promote , just look on the hype machine :eek:

i recorded a mix last night i'd really like an opinion on, but damn :(

i honestly dont see how its different from playing a mix in a club with people listening :confused:
It's forever a bone of contention with some, but all the other forums I use are fine with it, and I have never heard of any site being done for it.
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