Posting on OcUK from my Raspberry Pi!

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
Yup, got my Pi model B last weekend, and imaged Debian Squeeze onto a 16GB SD card. Now booted to Debian desktop environment using a browser called Midori. All stock settings for the time being except for larger font sizes. Desktop resolution is a bit weird - 1824x1104 (on a 1920x1200 monitor) but I'm surprised that it was able to reach that high a res. You basically get the monitor's native resolution but 1824x1104 with a black border. Haven't installed any packages yet or used command line much, but that's where the fun begins :-) Hoping to program a bit of Python and reminince on BBC BASIC.

Anyone else got a Pi yet, and what have you managed to do on it?
For those who are using SD cards larger than 2GB, you will find that the Windows imaging tool doesn't utilise the SD card over 2GB, so here's a link on how to use Gpart (a partitioning tool on a bootable Ubuntu CD) so that you can use the entire SD card.

Posting back under Windows for now as I'll be watching a DVD on the computer in a bit :-)
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