Posting Picture Help...

5 Jun 2005
I have been trying top post some picture that ae on the web on 'Myspace' does anyone know how to do this, i have trying using
Did you not just get a thread closed in GD on this exact topic?

I don't use MySpace but I'm guessing it allows HTML. Try <IMG SRC="URL"/>
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yeah it was closed.....wrong section.. i have tried that but it does not seem to work, lots of people seem to do it, just wondering what the code is, i have the files uploaded and i can post them on here ok
MySpace said:
How do I add color, graphics, & sound to my Profile page?

Adding color, graphics, and sound to your profile page is easy and requires only a basic knowledge of HTML (the programming language used to create web pages on the Internet). Simply go to "Edit Profile" and enter the desired HTML coding where appropriate.If you do not know HTML, you can reach out and make a new friend by asking someone who has color, graphics, and/or sound on their Profile page how they did it. People on MySpace are friendly and always willing to help, so just ask! This is a great way to meet new people!

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