Potential F1?

11 Feb 2011
in a dream world
Hey guys, check this out.

Is this a potential F1 of the future?

It certainly looks futuristic and cool, but the driver needs to be able to easily get out in a crash. The design shown looks like that would be difficult.
F1 has such minor injuries these days that there is no sudden call/demand for new safety equipment.
If someone crashed and (for arguements sake) badly broke their legs then there may be a call for XYZ to be added for impact leg protection.
Looks fantastic.

While I'm sure we'll see bigger wheels soon, the closed cockpit is still wildly up in the air over fears for getting out of the car in an emergency.

Low noses are coming back next year too.

So aside from the very low front wing, a larger floor, smaller cooling and the cockpit its not that far off. I imagine cooling with the new engines will be smaller and eventually they'll make a decision on the cockpits. I dont think we'll ever see a front wing that close to the floor again though. Not unless they also simplify the design like in that render to have less elements and therefore generate less df.

I want one.
Closed cockpits are no doubt under discussion after the Massa incident and after the sad events of the weekend. Not sure how the driver is supposed to get in and out with the roll hoop actually above the cockpit though.

Wheel size will be moving to 17" or 18" soon it's estimated. Pirelli and the FIA want the wheels and tyres to more reflect road car wheels and tyres so the wheels are expected to increase in size. At the moment the tyres themselves give a lot of the suspension travel so the teams veto'd that change but I expect it will happen.

Interesting that the author put Kubica's name on the sides. I also think it looks pretty sweet. Wonder if someone could knock up a McLaren and a Red Bull version?

There's still some thought about reducing downforce levels across the board to make it easier to follow a car closely and reducing multiple element wings as well.
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why does it have the aerodynamics of an aeroplane?
whoever drew that cant have much understanding of downforce...

Can you elaborate? I don't have a great understanding of downforce and the artist probably just designed a car that looked cool.

But what about that car means that it has the aerodynamics of an aeroplane?
Can you elaborate? I don't have a great understanding of downforce and the artist probably just designed a car that looked cool.

But what about that car means that it has the aerodynamics of an aeroplane?

the front wing is so flat like its suposed to cut through the air, nearly the whole car looks like its suposed to be a drag car and not something that would be able to corner at high speeds.

the air intakes on the side pod look to be at a funny angle aswell almost as if they are suposed to avoid air and not be taking in as much as possible
Wheel size will be moving to 17" or 18" soon it's estimated. Pirelli and the FIA want the wheels and tyres to more reflect road car wheels and tyres so the wheels are expected to increase in size. At the moment the tyres themselves give a lot of the suspension travel so the teams veto'd that change but I expect it will happen.

I'm surprised they didn't change the size when Pirelli joined this year :confused: I think they were suggesting 17 or 18" but were likely to come down to 15" to keep the teams happy IIRC.
Michelin wanted in as a second tyre supplier, but with some conditions. They wanted there to be a competitive tyre formula, and they wanted more road relevant tyre sizes. 17" was suggested with the plan to agree on a 15" middle ground (current F1 wheels are 13").

The FIA decided they didn't want a competitive tyre formula, so stuck with Pirelli, who were happy to stick with the current 13" spec. The only way wheel sizes will change is if the FIA decide they want to (I see no reason why they would), or the tyre manufacturer decides they want to.
My issue with closed cockpits is more to do with visibility. The drivers complain about not seeing mirrors easily now, so to have to look through another piece of glass, plus from that picture, it looks like the glass structure (rollover hoop) is aligned between the driver and mirror :rolleyes:
the front wing is so flat like its suposed to cut through the air, nearly the whole car looks like its suposed to be a drag car and not something that would be able to corner at high speeds.

the air intakes on the side pod look to be at a funny angle aswell almost as if they are suposed to avoid air and not be taking in as much as possible

Eh? You need an angle on the wing to generate downforce, a flat surface generates lift. The car I'm looking at has all the relevant pictches for keeping it flat to the ground. The whole nose cone is angled for air to be pushing it into the ground. Don't forget, it's really the underneath of an F1 car which matters. We all know how easy they do become aeroplanes once air gets underneath them.
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