potential memory problem

31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
My windows version is very unstable. Most applications crash and it takes an age to even install windows.

When I finally get it installed I can use IE explorer and load CPUz and memtest but cannot install any AV software and games don't work. The PC hangs when I try to install the sound drivers.

I'm wondering if it's the memory...

I'm running the gear that's in my sig.

CPUz shows the timings at

4-4-4-12 (which is correct I think as it's PC5300 (667) CAS 4 Geil 2*1GB.

I really a total noob when it comes to memory and the bios manual is only in chinese :(

I've read in these forms that intels CPUs perfer 1:1 dividers but have no idea how to get that value. Could the problem be the 717MHz also? As posted earier the vdimm voltages should be 1.8 according to geil but my bios only shows low med and high options for VDIMM.

Can a mem expert help please would this be the cause of software installation hangs?

cheers ,

Your ram is running well over it's spec, 3:8 is the wrong divider.

To set the divider manually, you need to disable the "Use SPD" setting (or something like that, it varies from mobo to mobo). It's usually on the same BIOS page as the CPU frequency.
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