Power button issue



12 Feb 2020
I took my pc into my local repair shop as it was not booting it was freezing on the Asus screen with the red led boot device on. This was still happening with everything disconnected and only a single ram stick so I came to the conclusion it's the Motherboard. Just for clarification I decided to take it to the repair shop and they confirmed this. But when I went to collect it from the repair shop they said the power button is no longer working and the repair guy was having to use a screwdriver across the contacts on motherboard to power it up.
I thought that was odd as there was no issues with the power button when I dropped it off at the repair shop.
Having been confirmed the motherboard was faulty I thought maybe that also caused the power button to stop working so I got me a replacement motherboard.
The replacement board has resolved the booting issue and it now boots up fine and loads Windows however the front pc case power button does not work still and the only way to power it up is by pressing the reset button on front of pc case.
What has the repair guy done to this front panel power button for it not to work could he have put the power button and reset button on the wrong pins and is it safe for me to swap them around to try to see if this will correct it?
Sorry for long post and hope someone can help me out.
Your case manual should say in it what the colours of the wires from the front panel are and usually the contacts have it also printed on the side of the 2 way housing.

I suspect they put the restart connection where the power connection should be and vice versa.

Worth checking before swapping just in case there is more weirdness going on but not aware of any motherboards that take pressing the reset button as also being a start signal off the top of my head.
Photos are showing one side of the power connection block with three pairs of wires connected red/white H.D.D. LED, orange white PWR Ground, blue white Reset Ground
Other side of power connection block with one pair of wires connected green white +5V Ground
The other photo shows my pc front case power buttons.

Those are how the wires were connected in the power connecter block when I had the PC back from repair shop and it had stopped working while he was working on it so not sure if he put the wires back in the correct place?
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