power supply incident

2 Jul 2005
hi as i was unplugging the main power cable from my power supply when the whole socket poped out and i could see the wires behind it with solder joints. this is when the big flash happend and small boom. i almost got electrocuted. the power supply is corsair make but when i took it off nothing seems to have burned. i am wondering if its safe to try using it again but i don't know because surely when i come to take the plug cable out again it will tug the whole socket from the power supply again. is this normal or safe to use?
Don't use it until someone competent with electrics has had a look at it for you. It's likely one of the current bearing wires touched the metal casing (which is earthed) when the connector moved, and caused a short.

Most likely the fuse will have blown, but I'd advise you to leave it alone.
i am trying to rma the psu with the manufacturer. i don't know if you are correct but i have attached this photo to show where the flash occured. as you can see the flash occured on the soldered bit so i don't know if fuse could have exploded because there was no smell or smoke coming from it. obviously the socket just jumped out which shouldn't have and i was stupid enough to to leave the electricity on while trying to pull the cable out. anyway here is the photo

Positive and neg shorted i guess, and with the capacitive nature of power supplies there will have still been some kick left in it. Depending on how old that is, you should get a replacement at least, as it is clearly a glue/latch failure on the socket.
I would push the plug back in and give it a go. Worse that will happen is it will either work or not.
Disconnect everything from the psu and short the green pin to a black on the atx connector (With power off) and have a load connected like a fan or old hdd and see if the psu starts when you flick the switch.
Might be worth checking the fuse in the plug first as well...
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