Power/voltage issue with my Dell T410??

2 Jan 2004
Hi all, I've been experimenting with unRAID on a 2nd hand Dell T410 that I picked up and last night was the first time I've actually left it running overnight.

I walked into the room this morning and it was still humming away - until I noticed the LCD readout on the front had a message saying "E122E Onboard Regulator Failed - Contact Support" - and then, with no interaction from me, it shut down completely and another message popped up on the display saying "E1000 Failsafe Voltage Error - Contact Support"!?!?!?

Now this is a 2nd hand server and I appreciate that it's possible that there are inherent risks with that - but the weird part is that it was (I assume) fine all night and then chose that exact time to fail as I walked into the room?? (and I literally did nothing but look at the LCD!)

I've rebooted the server and am currently running memtest to see if the RAM could have been the issue - anyone else ever experienced anything like this and have any suggestions??
Thanks for the reply!

My HDD's aren't connected using a backplate - they are connected to the motherboard via SATA and the power connection has been sort of "re-jigged" from a SAS connector to the more common SATA power connection (I appreciate this is a bit unorthodox but someone told me these were backwards compatible??)

Re the hardware logs - short answer is no, mainly because a) I have no idea what they are and b) would have no idea how to check! - any advice on how to check/delete these would be appreciated!

Also, the only USB device connected is the one that has the unRAID OS on it!?!?
Before I carry on it's probably worth mentioning that the system actually has 2 PSU's - I've only been using one because the guy I bought the system off said it would work fine with just one connected - anyway I've swapped to the other PSU and slot - not sure if this is relevant but I thought it was worth a try!?!

Anyway, I've managed to clear the hardware logs - the last few before I cleared were as follows: (events 118 to 121 - before this the only logs were for "intrusion" - which I think were for when I've had the side off the machine to poke around!)








Also, I left memtest running earlier and it went through a single pass with no errors!

Where should I go from here??

Thanks for the continued help!
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The problem with leaving it and hoping is that I'll always be nervous about the system failing and losing all of my data! :(
Not sure if that's an option for you.

do you not have a backup copy of your data?

I wouldn't have a clue where to start regarding firmware updates to be honest and yes I do have a backup of critical data but this server is supposed to be replacing my NAS and if it's falling over after a single night then it's not looking too good for stability!

You can try draining all power from your system and if that doesnt work we need to run the system barebone to rule out any other controller causing this error.
To drain system remove power cord, press and hold power button for 20 seconds. Plug power cord again and turn on system. Let us know how you get on....

Will give this a go and report back - thanks to you both!
I've done the power drain reset (although I'm not quite sure I understand how holding the power button does anything while there isn't any power going into the system but I'll take your word for it! :D)

Is there anything I can/should do to test the stability now other than just leaving it running? I've got unRAID running but without the array being started - I assume this is still testing the system without the risk of any random shutdown corrupting any data? - Maybe leave memtest running for a longer period??
The previous owner didn't tell me about any similar issues (and to be fair the hardware logs didn't suggest any similar issues dating back to March(ish) if I recall correctly!)

It was a local pickup so nothing too traumatic in terms of transit!

I ran memtest overnight with no problems (or errors) and I've left unRAID running today, albeit without the array running so hopefully no risk to the disks!

I've currently got it running with the other PSU and I've put a 5V fuse in the plug now - just not sure how long to leave it before giving it a go with drives in!?! (I presume there will be more stress on the PSU when I add a couple more drives and can't think of a way to simulate that without physically connecting them!)
Quick update on this - server has been up and running for 2 days & 11 hours - seemingly without any issues!

I'm still just running the single 2TB disk in my array but I have installed Plex and messed around with Krusader within unRAID - not sure how "power-hungry" these applications are though!
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