Powerbook G4 help!!



21 Apr 2006
Hi all,

I've turned on my Powerbook G4 and it goes to a gray screen, then it takes about 2mins and an icon pops up with a folder and it peeps flicking from

[ ? ] a folder with a question mark

And [ :D ] a folder with a face in side it?

Also i am in a predicament as my DVD drive broke over a year ago...
It can't find the files neeced to boot. Your disk could be pining for the fjords, or it could just be that the data on it its corrupt. Try booting from the Apple Hardware Test CD that came with it. You might also want to boot an OS X installation CD, fire up the Disk Utility and tell it to repair permissions on your boot volume. Failing that you may need to reinstall OS X. If that doesn't take go hard disk shopping.

Okiedokie , id thought as much , i replced the HDD like 2 years ago. seems odd why its gone again.

I might just replace the laptop all together via house insurance dunno how much its worth theses days
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