Powerbook G4 Help

18 Oct 2002
Liverpool :-)
The mac seemed to crash yesterday as i tried to shut itunes down, the disc sat there spinning for 10 mins +, so i held the power down and tried to restart.

All i get now is the box with the question mark in the middle of the screen, i'm a bit of a mac noob. Anyone got any suggestions?
Hold down CMD+S (a.k.a. Apple key if I'm correct) until you see a black screen. It's now in the command interface. In there, enter the command fsck -fy to check for errors on the hard disk. When finished, enter the command reboot.
Any ideas how long that takes? When exactly do you press the keys?

All i get now is the Apple logo on a greyish screen
You should hold down the keys before you turn the Powerbook on. Then turn it on, while still holding down the keys.
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