Powering a TomTom Rider.

11 Jun 2010
Quick question on powering a Tom Tom Rider 2 cradle on a KTM990.

My brother has asked me to wire his tomtom cradle to his bike. I'm thinking of tapping into the 12v Aux socket on the bike. That runs to a fuse box under the tank.
I will be soldering into the wiring if the voltages are correct. The Tom Tom runs of 5v 2amp and the socket on the bike is 12v.
My problem is.......... I don't have the cradle with me and cannot find the spec for the wiring (poor google fu tonight).

Dose the cradle run of 12v and step down to 5v for the TomTom? If so then I can make a start. He wants the cradle hard wired to the bike.

Thanks for your time.
Doesn't answer your question, but does it not just have wires that attach directly to the battery? I was able to just route my iPhone ultimateaddons powered mount under the tank and directly onto the battery, nice & easy.
Thanks and yes it does.

I couldn't find any wiring info regarding input and step down to 5v for the TomTom. After talking to my Brother some more, it turns out the cradle come with bare wires ready to wire in to a 12v supply.
Also he is advised to buy spare fuses to replace the internal fuse in the cradle. If he told me this earlier, I would have known what I needed to know ie the cradle steps the power down internally.


......... At least it's better than fixing my sister's washing machine.
Cool :)

I was going to be very surprised if a motorbike designed sat nav couldn't just be plugged straight in, especially for the price of the Rider!
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Yes I agree. Just wanted to make sure before fitting it and cutting wires.

He rides a lot around Europe, so decided to invest in a quality GPS (assumed quality?) http://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/products/your-drive/motorcycle/tomtom-rider/index.jsp I know nothing about Bike GPS's but I'm sure he would have done some home work.

Yup, I've heard really good things about them :). Would love one myself, but don't use them enough & TomTom on my iPhone does the trick nicely.
I should get my TomTom Rider V5 in the post tomorrow! Will have to wire it up first thing on Saturday :( As I need it first thing on Saturday lol
You could put in a socket near the clocks and use a plug on the rider mount. Then you can buy an aux plug to usb power cable and on longer trips charge up all your gubbins in a tankbag. I did this last year for an Alps trip and could keep everything charged up on the move. Was really handy.

handle bar clamp ram mount
rider ram mount kit

waterproof 12v socket and plug

12v plug to usb cable

also you can then take the whole Rider mount off when you're not using it just leaving the tiny handlebar clamp thing which no-one notices. the first rider mount I bought was left on the bike and after a few months the metal pin came out and the springs then popped out :( think they vibrate a fair bit without the tomtom actually on the mount.
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You could put in a socket near the clocks and use a plug on the rider mount. Then you can buy an aux plug to usb power cable and on longer trips charge up all your gubbins in a tankbag. I did this last year for an Alps trip and could keep everything charged up on the move. Was really handy.

handle bar clamp ram mount
rider ram mount kit

waterproof 12v socket and plug

12v plug to usb cable

also you can then take the whole Rider mount off when you're not using it just leaving the tiny handlebar clamp thing which no-one notices. the first rider mount I bought was left on the bike and after a few months the metal pin came out and the springs then popped out :( think they vibrate a fair bit without the tomtom actually on the mount.

Ahhhh, that's a bloody good idea! I will look into that.

I actually got the premium Rider V5 as the normal one was out of stock so they asked if I would want the premium for £20 extra (got the premium one for £340 in total).

So it has the RAM mount and all that, including anti theft lock with key.
That's the method I used on my RSV, just made an alloy bracket so I could use an existing hole to bolt it to.

The KTM990 already has a 12v AUX socket on the left trim below the bars, He wants the Rider to be wired in on the same wiring. He then still has the use of the socket for other things. He already has the mounts you posted links too. So yeh, agreed, good idea. Great minds and all that;) He has other bikes, the KTM is his long ride bike and will always have the GPS.
He wants to have it hard wired as some of the lads he goes on trips with use the 12v socket and the vibration, bumping about etc has caused problems with lose connection and worn plugs. He did an Alps trip last year as well.
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