Powerline or mesh

11 Oct 2020
Hi all, I’ve no doubt this has been covered before but I’m looking for some guidance. Up until very recently and because we had slow copper broadband I’ve been managing with Powerline adapters in the upstairs rooms, including my son’s gaming PC. Now that we have FTTP which is ten times faster straight off the wireless router, I noticed that it’s still a tenth of that off the Powerlines including the Powerline Wi-Fi extender which as you can imagine has pleased my son no end given that he wanted quicker speeds. What would be my best solution, mesh or better repeaters, I’m not very technical so please excuse me if I haven’t got the terms correct,thanks
11 Oct 2020
Sorry to thread Hi-jack, what is your ISP speed, compared to what you're getting through the powerline adaptors?

I was just about to create a thread as I have recently got gigabit fibre with sky. After initial and very hit and miss speeds directly through the router, that appears to have settled down and im hitting anywhere between 550-800mb.

However, my powerline adapters (TP-link AV1000's)(with cat6 cable) I am literally locked at 190-200mb on my PC and its really starting to annoy me :cry:
I’m getting 500 off the router WiFi, anything through the powerline struggles to get 100
11 Oct 2020
On the subject of powerline adapters specifically: are upstairs and downstairs sockets on the same RCD ring main from the fusebox? The ones I have work pretty well but are all on the same ring, I tried one on a different ring and it surprisingly still worked but that one gave terrible speeds (but better than the zero I was expecting).

Dedicated Ethernet is definitely much better but sometimes that takes a lot of persuading (which I am still working on)
Thanks, I’ve even tried the power line in the next room, all others turned off and I still only get around 20% of the routers WiFi speed
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