Powershell AD question

18 Nov 2011
Hi Guys,

First time posting in this part of the forum but have a quick question that I cannot seem to find the answer for. I am trying to select the owner of an AD group via powershell and I can get the result using a fairly simple query

get-adgroup -identity "Group Name" -Properties Managedby |select managedby

But this is giving me

CN=Lastname\, FirstName,OU=Info,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,OU=UK,OU=info,DC=info,DC=info

Is there a way to just return Lastname and Firstname from this? I have tried a split but cannot seem to get that working.
get-acl groupname | select-object owner

Just replace groupname with what you want.

EDIT might not work on an AD group, don't have AD installed at home so can't test right now.
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Probably a much better way of doing this. But very quickly

$Group1=Get-ADGroup "Group Name" -properties managedby
$Group1.managedby | get-aduser -properties Givenname, surname | select Surname, givenname
Bry's suggestion worked perfectly and was simple enough that I should have come up with it myself. What I was doing yesterday I will never know.

Appreciate the help guys.
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