At the moment, I have:
My understanding was that when that line appears in the script, the user will be asked to press any key, and that when they do, the script will continue, in this case, "exit". Well, the "press any key to exit" appears, and when you press something, you do exit the script, but I actually want the PowerShell window to exit (ie, close)....
Is that possible?
Write-Host "Press Any Key To Exit"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
My understanding was that when that line appears in the script, the user will be asked to press any key, and that when they do, the script will continue, in this case, "exit". Well, the "press any key to exit" appears, and when you press something, you do exit the script, but I actually want the PowerShell window to exit (ie, close)....
Is that possible?