PowerToys FancyZones - brilliant

13 May 2003

Bringing this to people's attention in case you haven't heard of it.

4K monitor users will love this as it allows you to create custom snappable zones, like an extension to the built in snapping that comes with Windows 11.

I have 6 windows on my 40" 4K screen that can either be snapped to just by dragging or you can set it so that you hold the shift key before it snaps.

Productivity and efficiency is amazing especially with multiple browser windows.

Love it.
Been using this for ages at work, as have 2x 2560x1440 screens there - much more flexibility.

Some other useful stuff in powertoys as well, with more being added, and a fairly active github
Thanks Not heard of it
Will have to try it out

For donkeys years I have just used Acer grid vista
To have multiple windows/zones
Works fine on non Acer monitors and is free :)
I've been using FancyZones for a while now, on dual monitors, installed on Windows 10. I have two custom layouts so I can set my two monitors exactly how I want them. It works great with just one issue - my PC often swaps the layouts between monitors (right layout on left monitor and vice versa). On rare occasions it assigns stock layouts to the monitors.

I have checked the monitors in Windows and it isn't mixing them up. Primary is set to left and never changes.

Any ideas on how I can get PowerToys/FancyZones to remember which monitor is which?
FancyZones is also the only feature I'm using on an ultrawide. I have 3 zones split vertically at 35%, 35% and 30%. On a 38" UW that's enough horizontal width for two browser windows with Spotify, WhatsApp etc running in the 3rd zone.

What I like best is when you "snap" a window or resize next to other "snapped" windows, the OS doesn't adjust the other windows around it.
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Found this a few weeks ago when I was looking to update the resizer powertoy.

I've disabled a load of the Powertoys that I don't see myself ever using - but fancyzones is a great addition. How Windows 11 should have been.
Been running this for a couple of years with my 38" UW - Windows would be unusable without it. This and some of the other tools should be first party additions to the OS, but it's nice that it's an MS developed toolset none-the-less.
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