Ok so...
Friend has this: https://www.acer.com/ac/sv/SE/conten...n=DT.B1PEQ.020
He bought a 7700k
He can install the 3 older BIOSs
He get errors when he tries to install the newest one, any suggestions?
This is before he has installed the 7700k
In the BIOS pack, he has 3 files
afuwinx64.exe, when opened, gets this: http://puu.sh/thOZS/bb1c4df503.png - unable to type in this screen
FLASH.bat, this screen goes to 100% then just closes: http://puu.sh/thPan/aacb91ff9f.png
Last edited by Choaski; 10th Jan 2017 at 19:53.
Friend has this: https://www.acer.com/ac/sv/SE/conten...n=DT.B1PEQ.020
He bought a 7700k
He can install the 3 older BIOSs
He get errors when he tries to install the newest one, any suggestions?
This is before he has installed the 7700k
In the BIOS pack, he has 3 files
afuwinx64.exe, when opened, gets this: http://puu.sh/thOZS/bb1c4df503.png - unable to type in this screen
FLASH.bat, this screen goes to 100% then just closes: http://puu.sh/thPan/aacb91ff9f.png
Last edited by Choaski; 10th Jan 2017 at 19:53.