I'm going to use the Running Man and Demolition Man as my 2 examples. I saw both films in 1996 fairly close together so I tend to tie these in my memory.
The Running Man was set in 2019. The main lady character (Amber) enters her apartment and issues voice commands to turn on the lights, TV and coffee machine. This is Alexa
The TV was used to search for flights and records in Teletext style. Now though, we know that we would use a computer to do this. In that big corporate building where the game show takes place, there is a bit where Amber is looking through staff or citizen files. Each file was on a microchip, so nowadays these would be SD cards. The implementation would be different though as staff, citizen and patient files tend to be stored on a central database, not in a filing cabinet. There is also the idea of fake news, where the main character (Ben Richards) got framed for a crime that he didn't commit. The edited video footage was then used as an excuse for the government to send Ben (and other unsuspecting contestants) to the game show. The game show itself stated that some contestants would win the show and would display Photoshopped images of the winners on holiday (the prize). So this is another example of falsehood that is relevant today. Also, the Running Man game show would probably be classed as reality TV. I don't think anyone has been killed yet though, but there have been plenty of fights on Big Brother!
Demolition Man was set in 2032, so still a few years off but some if it is already correct or mostly correct. There was a video calling scene where there was a speaker at the front of the classroom and little VDUs/cameras sat around a table that could stream what the speaker was saying. We now know that we only need 1 laptop with a webcam that can stream what the speaker is saying. Biometrics is relevant, where you use a fingerprint or facial to unlock your phone. Demolition Man implemented it as iris scanning. Sadly, another thing that is becoming true is that people are becoming a bit delicate. They get offended at everything and swearing will issue you with a ticket, parking fine-style ticket. We haven't quite yet banned alcohol or caffeine but there is a smoking ban now and I'm not surprised if alcohol and caffeine will soon follow.
Feel free to discuss any films as per topic title
The Running Man was set in 2019. The main lady character (Amber) enters her apartment and issues voice commands to turn on the lights, TV and coffee machine. This is Alexa

Demolition Man was set in 2032, so still a few years off but some if it is already correct or mostly correct. There was a video calling scene where there was a speaker at the front of the classroom and little VDUs/cameras sat around a table that could stream what the speaker was saying. We now know that we only need 1 laptop with a webcam that can stream what the speaker is saying. Biometrics is relevant, where you use a fingerprint or facial to unlock your phone. Demolition Man implemented it as iris scanning. Sadly, another thing that is becoming true is that people are becoming a bit delicate. They get offended at everything and swearing will issue you with a ticket, parking fine-style ticket. We haven't quite yet banned alcohol or caffeine but there is a smoking ban now and I'm not surprised if alcohol and caffeine will soon follow.
Feel free to discuss any films as per topic title