Prelude or Creative ?

12 Jul 2005
Just over your shoulder
Well, I thought I was going to pick up the Creative Fatal1ty Platinum card (with breakout box) for al my sound needs......then saw the Elite Pro in MM for not a whole lot more.....and now am also thinking what about the Auzentech Prelude - help !

Seriously, looking for as pure an audio solution as possible, but that offers value for money too - I know the Elite Pro has better specs than the Fatl1ty, but does it really justify the expense...and then the Prelude has some very nice specs and for a whole lot less....

Any advice, chaps ?
In your shoes, I'd go for the Prelude over the Creative cards you mention if your main priority is decent sound. I'm no electronics wizard but people who seem to know about things like this seem to be impressed by the quality of the components and build quality of the Prelude than it's Creative cousins.

I'm also one of those who have come to distrust the quality of Creative's drivers over the years through irritating experience of them.
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