**Premier League Last Man Standing (Edition VI, Round 4)**

Man of Honour
1 Nov 2006
We continue with this weekends fixtures:

Round 4

Arsenal v Newcastle
Birmingham v West Ham
Blackburn v Wigan
Blackpool v Everton
Bolton v Tottenham
Fulham v Aston Villa
Liverpool v Chelsea
Man Utd v Wolverhampton
Sunderland v Stoke
West Brom v Man City

Selections by Saturday 12:45 please and GL!


The thread for Round 5 will be posted promptly after the results for Round 4 have been confirmed as the next set of fixtures will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday. Feel free to post your selections for Round 5 in this thread.

Round 5

Aston Villa v Blackpool
Chelsea v Fulham
Everton v Bolton
Man City v Man Utd
Newcastle v Blackburn
Stoke v Birmingham
Tottenham v Sunderland
West Ham v West Brom
Wigan v Liverpool
Wolverhampton v Arsenal

Players Remaining (16)

[ASSE]Hinchy - Arsenal, West Brom, Fulham
BaZ87 - Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool
EgonSpengler - Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United
explicit4u - Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal
Haiku - Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal
jakeke - Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton
lego - Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea
logix42p - Man City, Arsenal, Liverpool
Nossmayo - Man City, Birmingham City, Everton
Nursie - Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal
shipinabottle - Man City, Man United, Arsenal
Silent-Lucidity - Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United
SuperMan - Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea
Sycho - Everton, West Brom, Arsenal
Tom84 - Man City, Arsenal, Everton
Tunney - Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton
Hall of Fame

Previous Winners
Edition I - EgonSpengler
Edition II - Tom84
Edition III - jakeke
Edition IV - foz2000
Edition V - cheets64
Edition VI - *in progress*

Longest Winning Streak
jakeke (15)
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Round 4 Selections

Arsenal -
Aston Villa - *EgonSpengler, *logix42p, *shipinabottle
Birmingham City - Sycho
Blackburn Rovers -
Blackpool -
Bolton Wanderers -
Chelsea -
Everton - Haiku
Fulham -
Liverpool -
Man City -
Man United - Tunney, BaZ87, explicit4u, [ASSE]Hinchy, SuperMan, Tom84, Nossmayo, jakeke, lego, Nursie
Newcastle United -
Stoke City -
Sunderland - Silent-Lucidity
Tottenham -
West Ham United -
West Bromwich Albion -
Wigan Athletic -
Wolves -

*Auto Selection

Please confirm your selections by Saturday 12:45. :)
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Round 4 Results

The following teams all won this weekend:

Man City
Man Utd

Tunney, BaZ87, explicit4u, [ASSE]Hinchy, SuperMan, Tom84, Nossmayo, jakeke, lego, Nursie, Silent-Lucidity

Well done, you are all through to the next round (details to follow).

EgonSpengler, logix42p, shipinabottle, Sycho, Haiku

Sorry, you are out of the game. Thanks for playing, see you in the next edition.
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