**Premier League Last Man Standng (Edition XXVI, Round 3)**

Man of Honour
1 Nov 2006
Round 3

Aston Villa v Hull
Burnley v Man Utd
Everton v Chelsea
Leicester v Arsenal
Man City v Stoke
Newcastle v Crystal Palace
QPR v Sunderland
Swansea v West Brom
Tottenham v Liverpool
West Ham v Southampton

Players Remaining (16)

BaZ87Liverpool, Chelsea
explicit4uChelsea, Swansea
FoxEyeLiverpool, Swansea
FrankJHArsenal, Swansea
GamingSlugChelsea, Tottenham
gilchrdChelsea, Man City
HangTimeArsenal, Swansea
jkbLiverpool, Chelsea
K1LLSW1TCHArsenal, Chelsea
Liquid_EntityLiverpool, Chelsea
mcleishTottenham, Chelsea
molinariArsenal, Chelsea
NossmayoArsenal, Chelsea
postboxMan City, Tottenham
rossk26Arsenal, Chelsea
The PatLiverpool, Swansea
Hall of Fame

Previous Winners
Edition I - Egon
Edition II - Tom84
Edition III - jakeke
Edition IV - foz2000
Edition V - cheets64
Edition VI - Nursie
Edition VII - Nossmayo
Edition VIII - Nossmayo
Edition IX - Lonewolf
Edition X - Sycho
Edition XI - Artheas
Edition XII - Elixir
Edition XIII - BaZ87
Edition XIV - Cosimo
Edition XIV - Cocky-Roach
Edition XVI - sunny007
Edition XVII - 6thElement
Edition XVIII - BaZ87
Edition XIX - Nossmayo
Edition XX - sunny007
Edition XXI - Lonewolf
Edition XXII - explicit4u
Edition XXIII - Cosimo
Edition XXIV - The Pat
Edition XXV - Sycho
Edition XXVI - *in progress*

Most Wins
Nossmayo (3)

Longest Winning Streak
jakeke (15)
Round 3 Selections

Arsenal - GamingSlug, BaZ87*
Aston Villa - The Pat
Burnley -
Chelsea -
Crystal Palace -
Everton -
Hull -
Leicester -
Liverpool -
Man City - rossk26, K1LLSW1TCH, explicit4u, FrankJH, Liquid_Entity, molinari
Man United - FoxEye
Newcastle United - HangTime, mcleish, jkb, gilchrd, Nossmayo
Stoke City -
Southampton -
Sunderland -
Swansea - postbox
Tottenham -
West Bromwich Albion -
West Ham United -

*Auto Selection
Round 3 Results

Aston Villa
Stoke City
Swansea City

The Pat, postbox

Well done, you are through to the next round (details to follow).

GamingSlug, BaZ87, rossk26, K1LLSW1TCH, explicit4u, FrankJH, Liquid_Entity, molinari, FoxEye, HangTime, mcleish, jkb, gilchrd, Nossmayo

Sorry, you are out of the game. Thanks for playing, see you in the next edition. :)
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