Press the OFF button !!!!!!!!!

24 Feb 2003
One of the guys i ride with fitted a set of Oxford heated grips to his Fireblade last Monday. I got the invite to feel how toasty they get, was well impressed and said my goodbyes and headed off home.
Get's the usual sunday morning call yesterday, "fancy a ride", jumps on bike and heads of to my mate's.
On arrival, my mate is stood next to his Blade scratching his head, "the battery's as dead as a dodo" Close inspection shows that the grips had been left switched on (he wired them direct to the battery).
Needless to say i had a nice ride on my own for a change.

So peeps: PRESS THAT OFF BUTTON before pulling the ignition key out :D
Or wire them into the loom.

It's an injection bike so will be easy....

Although being injection might mean you need at least some charge in it to allow the injectors to prime?

We did bump it and it did start, but for obvious reasons my mate didn't want to have to bump it again when we would have stopped at the bikers cafe :D
Nothing more embarrassing than bumping a Blade in front of 100 other bikers lol :)
Would this be the cafe on the bridgenorth road ? As I notice yr in stourport...not far off, as their car park leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes it is. I know i wouldn't want to try bumping any bike on that car park :)
But it would be good fun watching someone trying to bump their bike on there :D
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