I came across this last night and it has increased my yearning for an old British classic to the point where I will probably be parting with a lot of cash relatively soon.
Arctine, ever ridden a classic? Got a few of them ranging from really old to almost modern, if you want any advice just ask. I'm sure there are others around with a classic or two.
Arctine, ever ridden a classic? Got a few of them ranging from really old to almost modern, if you want any advice just ask. I'm sure there are others around with a classic or two.
I grew up with a Dad who's a British classic fanatic. He took me on the back of his BSA A10 and Norton Commando countless times to ride outs/bike shows.
I've never ridden one though, no. I think the right hand shift might take some getting used to.
Also there's the likelihood more time will be spent fixing it than riding it but that's part of the fun
Haha yes, when you get them sweet they are generally pretty trouble free you just need to watch what the vibration does to it. We've got quite a range as i said including a few A10s, an 850 Commando, T160 Trident and more all depends on what you want from the bike really! Anything 50-60s onwards is usually okay for daily use depending on what you're doing. Love taking the commando and trident to work!
Haha get that little project on the go Wazza they are loads of fun if you only tinker every once and then! I've got a triton project that has been sat idle for about 4/5 years, hit the usual conundrum I never have any of these 3 traits at the same point in time; time, money or space!
ive done most of it,the wheels need rechroming and it needs the wiring sorting out,the engine turns over freely ect,then I got the nightmare of getting it registered
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