Prey Help

26 Aug 2005
Hi guys,

Am on the level Crash Landing and am in room where there are a lot of wall walks. I've reached the other side and activated the switch but now I don't know exactly where to go apart from where I just came from.

Any ideas?
sorry to bring up an old thread, im stuck here too! Have you passed it yet?

I got to the otherside, pushed the switch to enable the wall walks and then i went to walk on the ones right at the top but i fell and now im stuck as i cant get back across as they are all moving!
you'll find it if you walk around enough. There's a crouch portal in that room somewhere that you have to go through. I couldn't understand the layout of that room myself even though I've played prey through twice. It seems like I'm going back to where I was and yet somehow it seems to be a different place.. no portals involved.... confuzzling.

edit: oh yeh, to get back up you have to go on top of the moving wallwalks on the right hand side iirc.
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