Prey on a 7600GT?

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
How well will Prey play on a 7600GT at 1440x900 ( assuiming it supports that res )

Rest of spec : AM2 3800+ @ 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM.

Future upgrades will be another gig of ram and maybe another 7600GT.
Prey loves Nvidia cards, it'll run great with everything set to high on a 7600GT at that res.
DaveyD said:
Download the demo and find out :)

I did, and my 939 rig in my sig plays it beautifully, but im without it temporarily, so im building a cheap AM2 system to tide me over but dont want to spemd more on a gfx card than a 7600GT as eventually i will get my X1900XTX back.
I have just tried this game a few hours ago! I must admit its very good looking! The hot and cold taps are a very good feature.

runs great

AMD 4400+ 3Gig of Ram 2gig OCZ 1gig XMS, AMD AN8 32x, ATi x1800
1280 x 1024 Everyone on high with 2x AA

Havent tried any other settings.
I have a similar spec gpu (overclocked 6800GT) and it ran at 45-60fps in 1024x768 high settings. In 1400x900 it should be just about playable I would have thought.
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