Prices make me sick!

27 Jul 2005
Little rant to be honest,

[geek]I was in an electrical outlet who are owned by a company that sell a lot of PC's and i happened to be looking at the prices of their various cables.[/geek]

A USB cable that would be used to connect a printer to a pc it has a slightly wierd connector on the one end was £16!!

I have about 5 of these lying round my house!!

And to think some poor souls are actually paying these prices!!
Borris said:
You know, and this is just an idea - just throwing it out there to see where it lands, you could always buy the item for the cheapest price.

And if you find something in a shop for a tenner, and you can sell it on ebay for a monkey - by a few hundred and sell them for some profit.

Seems like winning to me.

I have thought that many times, using ebay as a way of making money but there are very few things u cant get one ebay, and nearlly everything else people are selling so cheap
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