Prime 95 Belnd test - how to reduce memory usage ?

19 Dec 2002
I want to run two instance of prime 95, one on each core. But when I start the first one on blend, it uses most of the available memory meaning I can't start the second. How do i reduce the memory usage ? Apart from running the custom test option, I can't see the confiduration option anywhere
What I do to get the greatest range of sizes of fft without huge memory usage is to run Stress Prime Open it, choose custom, then set the min to 8, max to 4096 (which is what blend uses), tick "in place". It will then run both small and large ffts, all in place.
Thanks, I can set those options in Prime95 itself.
Can't find a downlaod link in that link you gave :(

EDIT: Working perfectly, thanks :)
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Does clicking "In Place" limit the FFt size tested to 1024 though ? i.e. does it contradict the 4096k max setting ?
Tuvoc said:
Does clicking "In Place" limit the FFt size tested to 1024 though ? i.e. does it contradict the 4096k max setting ?
Hmm yes I think it does. I originally typed 1024 as the max since that is what I use, but spotted that he wanted to use blend, so quickly edited to 4096. You clearly can't run 4096k in a 1 meg cache :p , thanks for spotting that. :D

If you still want to run that high, you could set the memory usage to something small enough for your liking. Need to experiment to see what works well.
Thanks - I'll untick "In place" and then it will do the full range - and will also use the memory allocation I set :)
Got SP2004 working - so much better than just the plain Prime95 interface
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