Prime95 and RAM

11 May 2006
Ok so im testing my ram a stick at a tym with Prime95 using long FTT as i was under the impression this was th e way to go. But i was wondering if its worth me running multiple versions of Prime95 if that helps. Any one kno, also in custom what do all the different options do, ie what is min/max FTT what does running them 'in-place' do is 'memory to use' the total amount it tests or the amount it writes to at a tym cos its defualt is set to 8mb which does seem to comprahensive to me and i presume the longer you run each FTT the better? Any one got ne answers?


If you are using prime to test memory then you should choose the 'blend' option.

However it is much better to use Memtest86+ to test your memory for errors.
From experience and opinions of many users Prime95 is better at testing memory than memtest86. I can pass memtest86 all day but prime will find errors that are definately ram related. Memtest for Windows seems to be better. This found errors on my ram that the bios version of Memetest86 never did. If your gonna use Memtest get the version you run in Windows not the bios version.

Don't run multiple versions of Prime95 as one is sufficent. You can use the blend test to test your cpu/ram. Run for about 8-12 hours. This is down to how long you feel is long enough to make sure your PC is 100% stable. Some do 24 hours some do only 1 hour. I personally do 8-12 hours. I've had Prime95 fail at 8 hours. I personally use the 'custom' option and leave the default settings but change the memory allocation to around 90% of my total free ram. This helps prevent constant page file access which may occur using 'blend' and your hard rive will just be grinding away unneccessarily.

Don't use your pc while running Prime95. This defeats the purpose. You want Prime95 to be using 100 usage. Some people run Prime95 in the background and play a game or do some intensive work on their pc which just defeats the purpose and renders Prime95 useless in reality. As this takes cpu usage away from Prime95 and gives it to the other tasks. Then they say their machine is Prime95 stable 24 hours,lololol. I don't think so. Imagine a 100 metre runner who keeps stopping and starting as he runs down the track. Never getting to top speed always taking a rest. This is what happens if you run other programs/games while running Prime95. Your taking work away from Prime95 which is the opposite of what you want.

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